Friday, June 11, 2010

Some new firsts for the Roth boys

Gavin got his first tooth and second within a couple of days!!

These pictures are in reverse order but I'll walk you through it! Gavin was introduced to cereal today, my growing boy needed just a little bit more.

Gavin finished his meal with a drink of water.

He cleaned up the TBSP that I prepared for him!

Mid meal he tought he would chew on his raspberry teether

Different but good, is what I think he would say?

Not even too much on his face, misson complete we are now onto the next stage of eating!


Bennett has been potty trained for a over the a month now, the next logical step would be for him to use the potty on his own. So today was the day that he started! He fought with his pants for a few minutes but got them down, made it on the potty did his business and successfully wiped his own bottom (with my approval of course). When it came to putting his underwear back on he fought with them for some time....he finally retreated from the bathroom like this!! He was as proud as could be and within 10 minutes backwards underwear turns into a thong, I had a full out belly laugh but could not post a picture of it for obvious reasons!!!

Gavin loves seeing and knowing everything that is going on!

Gavin is now officially sitting and drinking and eating, wow do they grow up fast.

Here are some picts from the first time Gavin sat alone...
Yeah, look at me!


1 comment:

The Alexanders said...

SO cute! I love how Gavin is SO happy about his teeth, so happy about eating and drinking and SO happy about sitting. ADORABLE!!!