Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 6 - All wrapped up!

Today we thought we would experiment with what we think would be a fun activity.  Wrapping the kids up in wrapping paper, sounds fun doesn't it?  Well by the look on Gavin's face it wasn't and was short lived so we improvise a bit.  It's amazing how versatile wrapping paper can be, just scroll down and see!
Bennett wasn't feeling very good this evening so this post is mostly about Gavin.

We still managed to get some wrapping paper on Gavin, just not from head to toe.

A little sleigh ride around the kitchen on a sheet of wrapping paper, see I told you we were creative!

Just adorable! 

Bennett getting some much deserved snuggle time with his dad :)

The other part of the activity was a Christmas Dance PARTY!!!  Most days after their baths we have a little dance party as we put pj's on, so why not to Christmas music.  Again Bennett was a bit under the weather but that sure didn't stop little ole Gavin.

Do I hear my dance party music?

This is soooo much fun!

Don't you just want to kiss him!!!!

Dad and Gavin having some fun together, not sure who is the funnier one?

I hope after a good  nights sleep Bennett will feel much better and be able to enjoy tomorrows activity.

1 comment:

The Alexanders said...

oh my goodness, that first picture of G being wrapped up is PRICELESS!!!