Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Baseball and Soccer Star!

This spring Bennett played baseball and soccer, Adam coached baseball and I coached soccer.  It made for a busy spring but all four of us had a blast, when the weather cooperated that it is!!
Gavin was always a step behind his big brother, joining in when ever he could.
If you were to ask Bennett, he would say he enjoyed baseball more, he loved the games.  He has just a bit of a competitive side to him!

Ice cream after ball became a common occurrence, on this night the Alexander's met up with us

Bennett played into soccer this winter so he had some amazing skills to show off in the outdoor season but they changed the format and there were no games, just skills.  This frustrated Bennett and me a bit too.  

I forgot how much these medals mean to a young athletes, I guess that why we all have boxes in our basements that we keep moving through life with.  He is one deserving boy for his medal!

1 comment:

Mommy to the power of three :) said...

Yay Bennett!! And Mom, Dad and Gavin!! I totally love the part about the "box of medals", we just revisted our boxes in the latest move...and they are safely tucked away safe and sound in the basement :)