Saturday, August 11, 2012


For our first camping trip of the year we headed to Ole McDonalds Farm on Buffalo Lake.  The campground is more of a resort than a campground, there is so much for kids to do!  
Adam had to work on Friday so my mom and Ryan came for a visit.

Bennett figured out that he could stay up longer if he helped with dishes.  I hope he is always smiling this much when he has to do them all the time!

This little park was right beside out campsite where the boys spent most of the weekend.

The beach was a highlight for all of us, they had music playing from the ice cream shop, very a fun atmosphere!  The boys are becoming great swimmers, they LOVE the water.

Like I said earlier this campground is wonderful.  This weekend was Christmas in August, so they had Christmas music playing on their very own radio station, campsite decorated their trailer and Santa himself came for a visit.  Gavin waited in line so long that he was not that excited to see Santa when his turn came.

The boys made new little friends everywhere they went, I can already see it in the future....just Adam and I around the fire because the boys are off with their friends.  

Bennett says the funniest thing....
One night I was helping Bennett was get on his PJ's and he took a deep breath and sighed.  I said, "what the matter?"  Bennett replied, "I didn't mean to, I just didn't mean to do it!"  I said, "do what?"  He said,"fall in love, with Sophia from the beach today.  I just didn't mean to!"  Inside I was giggling and crying at the same time.  My reply was, "maybe just fall in love with your momma right now!"  
Our little boys is turning into a little man right before our eyes.  Awe

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