Every 10 years we get together with my mom's extended family in BC for Christmas. My grandparents are getting older and traveling is too hard on them. There were 24 that gathered together for lots of laughs and memories.
My mom flew out with our boys a few days before everyone else to get food organized just like the wonderful momma she is! Adam and I set out on the 22nd to drive but hit some horrible (Adam would even agree with me on this!) road conditions....after some frantic phone calls looking for flights, I shed a few tears and relaxed enough to carry on. Knowing if we wanted to spend Christmas with our boys then we had to make the drive. And yes....we made it safely, thanks to Adams superb driving.
Okay, so on with the festivities. During our stay we kept pretty busy with the kids, going swimming, paying in the amazing play place they have in Kelowna, found a geocash, visited Santa and spent lots of time with the family.
Ethan (5), Bennett (4), Ryan (3), Gavin (2) and Cooper (1)
Grandma and Grandpa Wecker with the kidos
Great Grandma and Grandpa Sehn with all their great grandchildren
Putting out the reindeer food for Santas team
Rudolf the red nose reindeer..... need I say more!
Jeff and Cooper
Once we got all the little guys to bed, Adam and I organized some minute to win it games for all the big kids. We had so many laughs, such a fun night!
Fast Forward = Christmas Morning
Checking out what Santa snacked on and the beginning of the excitement that Christmas brings!!
Adam, Bennett and I needed some fresh air so we went on a little geocashing hunt and we successful! A check to see how cold Woods lake is and back into the warmth.
Fast Forward = Back in Red Deer and setting up the new toys. This marble tower took Adam around 8 hours total!
Another Christmas for the record books.... so many fun memories, some we will cherish and the driving ones I hope I seen forget! :)
1 comment:
Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year, hope to see you all soon :)
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